Ease of Use

In general the processors are easy to use with only one or two switches.

Bone Conduction Hearing Devices



Oticon Medical


With all Cochlear Baha 5 processors it is possible to choose a remote control as an accessory.

Cochlear Baha 5 Smart App can be used with Smart Phones to change volume or programmes.

The MED-EL SAMBA processor for BONEBRIDGE comes with a remote control.

Ponto 4

The Oticon ON App can be used to change programs and volume.

The Remote control (3.0) can also be used to change volume or programs (purchased separately)

Ponto 3 superpower

The Oticon ConnectLine App together with the Oticon Medical Streamer lets users access and control their most important communication devices, looped environments etc.

Middle Ear Implants

The Cochlear Carina device has a small remote control to allow the patient to switch the device on and off and change programmes.

  The MED-EL SAMBA processor for VIBRANT SOUNDBRIDGE come with a remote control.